On the "LingoLab Study" page, a user can ‘Share Progress’ with you by entering the following email address: {{user.email}}
Class Name Current Total All Time Total Last Active
{{record.class_name == "" ? "N/A" : record.class_name}} {{showStudentNames?record.name:'**********'}} {{record.current_score}} {{record.total_score}} {{UTCToLocal(totalProgressSummary(record.progress).last_active).substring(0,11)}} NEVER
Answer Mode:
Audio Mode:
ANSWER: {{{"FULL":"Shown","HIDDEN":"Hidden","STELLAR":"Stellar"}[set.display.toUpperCase()]}} / AUDIO: {{{"QUESTION":"Question","ANSWER":"Answer","OFF":"Off"}[set.audio.toUpperCase()]}}
{{set.name}} ({{getStudentsBySet(set).length}})
Class Student Mastered Errors Last Studied
{{student.class_name == "" ? "N/A" : student.class_name}} {{showStudentNames?student.name:'**********'}} {{progressSummaryBySet(set,student.sub).mastered}} ({{student.resets}}x) {{progressSummaryBySet(set,student.sub).av_mistakes_per_term}} {{student.modified!==0?UTCToLocal(student.modified).substring(0,11):"-"}}

Create or import custom sets here! (You can then use these custom sets in a LingoLab quiz or LingoLabLive/LingoBingo game by entering its ID number after clicking ‘Import Custom Set’.) For further instructions see Help site.

Name Terms Modified ID
{{set.name}} {{set.terms.length}}
Answer Question Image

Create a mobile-friendly LingoLab quiz to see instant auto-graded results with word, phrase or sentence-level questions.

Title Created
{{thisAssignment.json.title}}{{thisAssignment.json.title}} {{thisAssignment.num_submissions}}
You have not created any tests!
Quiz Title
Classes (comma separated list)
Set Selection

You can create custom sets on the "Manage Sets" page.

Item Selection ({{numSelected()}})
Select set from left hand list to display items here

Answer With:
Visual Prompt:
Audio Prompt:

LingoLabOnline is a free site for teachers to make custom sets for LingoLab sites, oversee LingoLabCo student progress, and set one-time LingoLab quizzes. See the Help page for details. Sign up & log in with your Google account!